Knighthood of the Immaculate Virgin Mary
"The spotless Virgin, vanquisher of all heresies, will not retreat before the enemy who raises his head against Her. When She finds faithful servants who obey Her commands, She will win new victories, greater than we can ever imagine." ~ Militia Immaculatae
Fr. Karl Stehlin, in "Militia Immaculatae ~ The Knighthood of the Immaculate Virgin Mary of the Traditional Observance" elucidates that it is necessary to understand the M.I. as something transcendent rather than general; this means that it should not be viewed as just one Organisation among many others; rather, it ought to penetrate into the depths of all other organisations (from letter dated December 31, 1935).
The Booklet explains the origin, objectives and the historical development of the M.I. movement. It appraises the reader on the revolution and changes brought about after the Council which did not spare the Movement. Following that, the Booklet enlightens the reader about the revival of M.I. in Traditional Catholicism by the Society of St Pius X.
The Booklet also contains explanatory notes by St Maximilian Kolbe plus it lists the days when the members can obtain a plenary indulgence plus the conditions for receiving them. The Booklet ends with a guide of the reception into the Militia Immaculatae.

No.of Pages: 38
Weight: 85 gms
Size : A5